David Emanuel, Sr. was born before May 1710, likely in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He was a son of Emanuel Jones and his wife Jane (66).

On 4 May 1731, in Charlestown Township of Chester County, Pennsylvania, David Emanuel witnessed the Will of John Lewis (121, 318). Emanuel Jones, John Rees, and Morgan Williams also witnessed this will.

On 30 Mar 1734, David Emanuel was issued a warrant to survey 150 acres of land in Charles Town Township of Chester County, Pennsylvania (120). On 10 Feb 1735, Jonathan Taylor surveyed a tract of 136 acres for David Emanuel (324) and a patent was recorded on 15 Jan 1736. On 26 Feb 1736, Thomas Penn issued a patent to David Emanuel for 136 acres of land in Charles Town Township of Chester County, Pennsylvania, adjacent to land held by John Budd deceased and by Matthias Martin (326). David Emanuel acquired this land for £41.1s.7d Pennsylvania money.

David Emanuel married before about 1735. His wife has not been identified; however, her given name may have been Martha.

On 3 Nov 1736, in Charles Town Township of Chester County, Pennsylvania, David Emanuel witnessed the Will of David Gilby  (327). On 19 Oct 1737, Evan John made a will in Chester County, Pennsylvania appointing David Emanuel as executor (952), and on 11 Oct 1737, David Emanuel renounced as executor of the Estate of Evan John (955). In his will made on 21 Jan 1740, Llewelyn Martin appointed David Emanuel as guardian of his children (13). On 8 Sep 1741, David Emanuel witnessed the Will of Alice Hubbert of Whiteland (956).

By about 1746, five children were born to David Emanuel and his wife, all likely in Chester County, Pennsylvania. A son John Emanuel was born to David Emanuel and his wife in Chester County in about 1741. A daughter, Elizabeth Emanuel, was born in about 1742, and a son, Amos Emanuel, was born in about 1743. A son David Emanuel, Jr. was born in about 1744, and a son Levi Emanuel was born in Chester County in about 1746.

On 1 Nov 1744, an item in Franklin’s Penn Gazette advertised a tract of 218 acres in Charles Town Township of Chester County, Pennsylvania; “enquire of Emanuel Jones and David Emanuel living on the same” (250).

On 24 May 1745, David Emanuel witnessed the Will of John Rees in Chester County, Pennsylvania (957).

Before 1748, the David Emanuel, Sr. family emigrated from Chester County, Pennsylvania to Lunenburg County, Virginia (105, Page 302). He was included in a 1748 tax list for Lunenburg County (14, Page 78), and on 4 Nov 1748, he witnessed the Will of John Mills made in Lunenburg County. David Emanuel appeared on the 1749 Lunenburg County, Virginia tax list (14, Page 94).

A daughter, Rebecca, was born to David Emanuel and his wife in about 1748, and a daughter, Martha Emanuel, was born in about 1750. Both Rebecca and Martha were born in Lunenburg County, Virginia.

A 1 Jan 1750 deed for the sale of land by William Rees to John Ruffin mentions land owned by David Emanuel on the west side of Ward’s Fork in Lunenburg County, Virginia (177). This deed described land adjacent to that owned by Evan Thomas and David Emanuel. Ward’s Fork is located in present-day Charlotte County, Virginia.

On 31 Mar 1753, David Emanuel, Sr. was granted 530 acres of land on the west side of the North Fork of Fishing Creek in North Carolina (105, Page 302). On 11 Jan 1754, David Emanuel conveyed this land to John Walker.

In Mar 1755, daughter Ruth Emanuel was born to David Emanuel and his wife in Lunenburg County, Virginia.

Before about Apr 1755, the David Emanuel, Sr. family migrated to St. George Parish, Georgia. On 14 Apr 1757, the Governor of Georgia granted David Emanuel, Sr. 200 acres of land on the south side of Brier Creek, adjoining land of James Hutson (634). With his petition for this land grant, David Emanuel, Sr. stated that he “set down on lands on the south side of Brier Creek nigh two years and had cultivated several acres but had had no opportunity hitherto of petitioning for the same.” A survey of 200 acres for David Emanuel was certified on 8 Jul 1757 (1125).

On 27 Mar 1759, David Emanuel, Sr. was appointed tithes and fines collector. in St. George Parish of Georgia (153). During the period Apr – Nov 1760, David Emanuel, Sr. served on the Commission of the Peace in St. George Parish, where he was a successful planter (636, 637).

On 22 Nov 1768, David Emanuel, Sr. made a will in St. George Parish of Georgia naming sons Amos Emanuel, David Emanuel, Levi Emanuel, and Asa Emanuel; and daughters Elizabeth Emanuel, Rebeckah Emanuel, Martha Emanuel, and Ruth Emanuel (317) . David Lewis, Thomas Lewis, and Thomas Lewis, Jr. witnessed his will.

David Emanuel, Sr. died in St. George Parish before the probate of his estate on 6 Mar 1769. An inventory of his estate was filed on 5 Aug 1769 in St. George Parish (638, 639).

At his death, David Emanuel, Sr. owned 200 acres of land on Chevis’s Creek in St. George Parish, Georgia (105).

Notes and Comments

On 4 May 1731, David Emanuel witnessed the Will of John Lewis in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Assuming that David Emanuel was at least 21 years of age at that time, then he was born before 1710.  Emanuel Jones also witnessed the Will of John Lewis.

The Will of Emanuel Jones names his son David Emanuel.

A 1 Jan 1750 deed for sale of land by William Rees to John Ruffin mentions land owned by David Emanuel on the “west side of Wards Fork.” Wards Fork Creek lies in present-day Charlotte County, Virginia. Charlotte County and Mecklenburg County were created from parts of Lunenburg County on 1 Mar 1765.

Additionally, David Emanuel appears on lists of tithables for 1748, 1749, and 1750 assembled by William Caldwell. Mr. Caldwell’s area of responsibility is described as “from Falling River to Little Roanoke River” and “from Little Roanoke up the Fork.” Generally, Mr. Caldwell was responsible for the eastern part of present-day Campbell County.


13. Will of Llewelyn Martin, Charlestown, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Chester County, Pennsylvania Wills 1713-1825, Chester County Archives and Records Service, Chester County, Pennsylvania. (Database: Ancestry.com)

14. Bell, Landon Covington, Sunlight on the Southside: Lists of Tithes Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1748–1783. Ferguson, Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1931.
URL: http://files.usgwarchives.net/va/lunenburg/census/sun001.txt

66. Will of Emanuel Jones, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 30 Apr 1754. Chester County, Pennsylvania Will Book L, Page 148. Philadelphia County Wills 1682–1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. (Database: Ancestry.com. Images on file.)

105. Dye, Helen Sides. The Johns Connections. Heritage Books, Bowie, Maryland, 1999.

120. Warrant Issued to David Emanuel, Charles Town Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 30 Mar 1734, 150 acres. (Image on file.)

121. Wright, F. Edward.  Abstracts of Philadelphia County Wills. Willow Bend Books, Westminster, Maryland, 1995.

177. Deed by William Rees to John Ruffin for 400 Acres, Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1 Jan 1750. Lunenburg County, Virginia Deed Book 2. Page 225.

250. Scott, Walter. Abstracts from Ben Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728–1748. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, Maryland, 1975. Page 470. (Image on file.)

317. Will of David Emanuel, Sr., St. George Parish, Georgia, 22 Nov 1768. St. George Parish, Georgia Will Book A, Pages 302–304. (Print and images on file.)

318. Will of John Lewis, Charlestown, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 4 May 1731. Chester County Pennsylvania Will Book E, Page 282.

324. Survey Plat for David Emanuel, 136 acres, Charles Town Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 10 Feb 1735. (Image on file.)

326. Patent Issued to David Emanuel, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 26 Feb 1736, 136 acres. Volume A, Number 8, Page 119. Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (Images: Pennsylvania State Archives. Image on file.)

327. Will of David Gilby, Charles Town Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 3 Nov 1736, Chester County, Pennsylvania Will Book B, Page 19. (Database: Ancestry.com)

634. Land Grant to David Emanuel, St. George Parish, Georgia, 14 Apr 1857, 200 acres. Candler, Allen D. The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia. Volume VII. Franklin-Turner Company, Atlanta, Georgia, 1907. Page 543.

636. David Emanuel Appointed to Georgia Commission of the Peace, Georgia, 5 Jun 1759. Candler, Allen D. The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia. Volume VIII. Franklin-Turner Company, Atlanta, Georgia, 1907. Page 63.

638. Inventory of the Estate of David Emanuel, Sr., St. George Parish, Georgia, 5 Aug 1769. (Print and image of transcription on file.)

639. Will of David Emanuel, Sr. Proved. St. George Parish, Georgia, 6 Mar 1769. (Print and images of transcript on file.)

953. Will of Evan John, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 5 Sep 1737. Register of Wills, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Case Number 63. (Images: Ancestry.com. Image on file.)

955. David Emanuel Renounced as Executor of the Will of Evan John, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 11 Oct 1737. Register of Wills, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Case Number 63. (Images: Ancestry.com. Image on file.)

956. Will of Alice Hubbert, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 8 Sep 1741. Register of Wills, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Case Number 753. (Images: Ancestry.com. Image on file.)

957. Will of Rees John, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 24 May 1745. Philadelphia County Wills, 1682-1819. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1900. (Database: Ancestry.com.)

Revised 16 Sep 2018