John Morton - Media
John Morton - Media
674. John Morton, Warrant to Survey 300 acres.
674. John Morton, Warrant to Survey 300 acres, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, 23 Jul 1773. Land Warrants. Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (Images: Image on file.)
675. John Morton, Warrant to Survey 300 acres.
675. John Morton, Warrant to Survey 300 acres, Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, 1 Jul 1776. Land Warrants. Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (Images: Image on file.)
670. Jno Morton, 1783 Tax List, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
670. Jno Morton, 1783 Tax List, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762–1794; Microfilm Roll 341. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. (Images: Image on file.)
671. Jno Morton, 1786 Tax List, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
671. Jno Morton, 1786 Tax List, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll 341. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. (Images: Image on file.)
673. John Morton, 1787 Tax List, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
673. John Morton, 1787 Tax List, North Huntingdon, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4 Tax and Exoneration Lists 1762-1794, Microfilm Roll 342. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. (Images: Image on file.)
672. John Morton, 1798 U.S. Direct Tax List.
672. John Morton, 1798 U.S. Direct Tax List, Washington Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. United States Direct Tax of 1798: Tax Lists for the State of Pennsylvania. M372, microfilm, 24 rolls. Records of the Internal Revenue Service, 1791-2006, Record Group 58. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C. (Images: Image on file.)
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